All Recommendations

Structure Open All

Structure the content consistently

Provide visualisations that help the reader orient themselves in the publication

Provide a section that introduces the data used in the publication

Provide a reference list, a figure and a table list, a list of abbreviations, and a glossary

Use text and visual elements in a way that enables a good reading flow

Design and Style Open All

Consider creating a style guide specific to your organization

Find out if your institution has it's own style guide

Consider extending your style guide with a section on visual styles

Consider extending your style guide with a section on data visualization design

Consider extending your style guide with a section on content design

Consider extending your style guide with a section on data citation

Make sure your visual style guides consider accessibility

Make sure your data visualisation guides consider accessibility

Make sure your guides on content design consider accessbility

Make sure your style guide includes guidelines on data citation

Text Open All

Write for the web

Write in plain language

Avoid repetition

Data Open All

Follow open data practices in preparing your data

Use the right license for your data

Describe your data in a standardized way

Make sure that you provide enough documentation to your data

Find out if you can provide your data as open data

Check if any licences would apply to your data

Describe your data in a standardized way

Provide access to the data (for humans and machines)

Consider providing an API (Application Programming Interface) to the data

Find out where you can store your data

Learn about your institution's data management strategy

Visualisation Open All

Choose the right type of visualisation

Follow best data visualisation practices

Show the data values in a static manner

Show the data values interactively

Clearly identify the author of the visualisation

Always cite the data source

Make sure to explicitly state that the visualisations cannot be reused

Check if your visualisations can be reused

State reuse licence

Provide your visualisations as downloads

Provide your interactive visualisations as downloads

Find out where you can store your visualisations

Find out about your institution's file management strategy

Decide the level of interactivity for each chart

Provide interactive chart functionalities

Create visualisation designs for different screen sizes

Provide options to reuse your visualisation on the web

Publishing Open All

Consider publishing the data in your organisation's internal data catalogue (e.g. EC data catalogue)

Publish your datasets on and your publications on OP portal

Consider aquiring identifiers through the Publications Office both for your data and for your publication

Consider aquiring identifiers through the Publications Office for your publication

Consider publishing with the Publications Office