A practical guide to user-friendly data in publications

This guide helps you with all data-related aspects of your publication: writing about data, creating data visualisations, and preparing and publishing data. The guide provides you with tips and resources that will make the data of your publication more accessible and reusable.

Structure Structuring your publication

Data, visualisations, and text are all important components of your publication. The following tips help you structure these components in a way that makes your publication pleasant to read and allows others to reuse them.

Introduce your data in a dedicated section

Create a consistent, logical sequence of text and visualisations

Provide a reference list of the data used in the publication

Include data visualisations in the figure list

Mention your data and data visualisations in the copyright notice

Obtain necessary permissions and credit third-party elements in the copyright notice

Write Writing about data

Writing about data or writing text for data visualisations is an important but often overlooked skill. This section details some tricks and tips on how to make your copy more reader friendly.

Use various writing techniques to make text about data more comprehensible

Make sure the text complements the data visualisation

For visualisations that are frequently updated, write generic text

Write for the web

Write in plain language

Visualise Creating data visualisations

Data visualisations present insights from data in a visual manner. Good data visualisations can act as centrepieces to your line of reasoning. The following tips help you create understandable, accessible, and appealing data visualisations.

Define the purpose of your data visualisation

Choose the right type of visualisation

Follow best design practices

Follow best data visualisation design practices

Use an accessible colour palette

Write meaningful titles for your visualisations

Write succinct visualisation legends

State the author of the visualisation, the data source and the reuse licence

Show the data values

Annotate important features

Make use of official EU geodata for maps

Decide which interactive functionalities to offer

Make sure your interactive charts are accessible with the keyboard

Create visualisation designs for different screen sizes

Keep future translations in mind

Prepare Visuals Preparing visualisations for publishing

Your visualisations might be reused in studies, shown in presentation slides, or shared on social media. This section provides advice on how to prepare the visualisations so that they can be found and reused by others.

If necessary, obtain the permission to use third-party visualisations

License your visualisation so that others can reuse it

Add metadata to your visualisation

Write alt text for your visualisation

Export visualisations separately from the publication

Prepare Data Preparing data for publishing

Data needs to be carefully prepared before being published. The following recommendations guide you through open data practices which help you transform raw data into curated, high-quality and publish-ready datasets.

Improve the openness of your data

If necessary, obtain the permission to use third-party data

License your data so that others can reuse it

Protect personal information before publishing your data

Decide on the scope of the data you will publish

Describe your data with metadata

Structure your data in a machine-readable format

Create documentation about your data

Save your data in a machine-readable file format

Publish Publishing the data and the data visualisations with your publication

Releasing your data and data visualisations as individual components makes your work more impactful. The following tips help you publish those components so that they are easy to locate and access for further reuse.

Provide your visualisations as downloads

Provide options to share your visualisation online

Provide your data as download

Provide access to your data via an API

Publish your data in a data catalogue